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Sunday, March 6, 2011


Crystal Torres talks with BeyonceWorld about touring with Beyoncé

Hey Crystal, thanks for taking the time out to talk to us here at BeyonceWorld!It’s my pleasure!
Most of the people reading would know you as a part of Suga Mama, Beyoncé’s amazing band. So tell us a little bit about what you play and how you got the job.
Well, I play trumpet as a member of the Suga Mama band and the road I took to get there is a true testament to destiny. When the Suga Mama auditions were announced, I was touring as the vocalist with Roy Hargrove’s, RH Factor, but I knew it was supposed to happen somehow. I said a prayer, “Great creator, if I’m meant to be in that band, please make it happen!” Several months later, Tia (Suga Mama’s alto saxophonist) and I met randomly at a jam session and eventually she called me out of the blue to say, “Can you come to NYC to audition tomorrow?” I showed up for the audition and have been in the band ever since. That experience taught me when something is meant to be yours, it will be yours no matter what.
What’s it like being on tour with Beyoncé?Intense and incredible! Our schedule is intense, everyone’s talent is amazing, the places we get to see are every traveler’s dream, and the fans are definitely INCREDIBLE!
Read the rest of the interview and some EXCLUSIVE pictures after the jump.
What are some of the best and worst things about it?I would say that the best things about tour for me are:
- The people I work with. Everyone’s pretty much a sweetheart and a beast at their craft.
- The travel. We went to the great wall and the pyramids in one week. SERIOUSLY! What more could you ask for?
- The fans. Met some really fun people on and off stage during our travels and there’s nothing like Bey’s fans.
Worst things:
- No sleep. Between our grueling schedule and the different time zones, sleep can be hard to come by.
- Missing family and friends. Sometimes I feel like a soldier we’re out so much. Skype is a life saver though!
- Not enough time in each city. Touring can feel like a cultural sampler sometimes. One night in Tokyo, another in Berlin, two nights in Sydney, three in London, between rehearsals, sound checks, jam sessions… there’s never enough time! I swear, I felt like I wanted to cry out, “It’s too soon to leave!” when we left a few cities.
Who are your main influences and how do you incorporate that into your playing and singing?
As a Puerto Rican, 80s baby who studied jazz formally and grew up in Philly, obsessed with the radio, my influences come from all over! Miles Davis, Ray Baretto, Prince, John Mayer, Andre 3000, Stevie Wonder… and that’s just a few. I love artists who can tell their story with musicianship and sincerity but I listen to EVERYTHING! I get more caught up in lyrics and melodies than actual genres. Whether I’m singing or playing trumpet, the goal is to tell my story from an honest place. Some people say my music reminds them of John legend, Esperanza Spalding, Prince, Amy Winehouse, Jamiroquai, Corinne Bailey Ray, the RH Factor, Pink, Bey… I’d love to hear what you all think!
Whether it was on The Beyoncé Experience tour or on the I Am… Tour, Suga Mama really have added something special to Beyoncé’s shows. The live versions of the songs are so colorful, so enjoyable. How does it work? Who does the arrangements?
The arrangements are a collective process. We all come up with ideas in rehearsal and fit them together like pieces of a puzzle. Beyoncé will describe what emotion or character she wants for a particular song, and we all make it happen together.
Do you personally take part in the process?
Yes! We all give input. For example, I wrote most of the horn lines in Broken-hearted Girl, Tia wrote most of the horn lines in Halo and Katty for Smash into you. Some songs like Radio we all did equally together. It just depends on the moment.
What are you working on now? Any exciting things coming up for you?
Very exciting things coming in 2011! We just finished my debut album “Life Lesson’s Vol.1″! It’s mainly a vocal album but of course I am playing trumpet on it too! I began writing it after The Beyoncé Experience (in 2008) and completed it little by little on and off the road. It celebrates our ability to mend a broken heart and grow fearlessly. Musically it’s a mixture of my jazz beginnings and the pop/rock influences I’ve gained as a member of the Suga Mama band. It was a lot to write, arrange, and produce it 100% myself, but I had tons of fun and learned a lot during the process. The next one won’t take nearly as long. This year is all about getting the album out to the people!
How exciting! And how are we able to buy it?
You can buy the album digitally on iTunes and Amazon. You can also buy a physical copy to be mailed to your home on my website. Both options can be found at
What have you learned about yourself personally AND musically from touring on such a big scale that’s helped you put together your OWN album?
Touring with Beyoncé and my Suga Mama sisters has taught me how important it is to be kind to ourselves as we evolve. It’s so easy to judge yourself harshly, or listen to naysayers, or try to please other people… but you have SO much more to offer as an artist and a person when you can just accept where you are at that moment and strive for growth. I took on that mindset while writing and recording “Life Lessons Vol 1″. It allowed me to put aside genres or preconceived sounds and just write from the heart. It’s a musical snapshot of where I am at this moment in time… and it’s only the beginning!
Can we expect to see some of your own live performances? Do you or will you have any dates planned?
Absolutely! We have several fun shows in the works right now and plenty to come. As they’re confirmed they’ll be posted on my website: and I’ll also be posting video clips of live performances as they happen throughout the year. You can sign up for my emailing list or subscribe to my YouTube.
Well, thanks again for taking the time out, I’m sure you’re very busy. We can’t wait to get our copy of the album! Good luck with everything!
Thanks so much! I can’t wait to hear from everyone!
Be sure to check out Crystal’s TwitterYouTube and Official Website! Also, click HERE to buy the album from iTunes and click HERE to buy the album from Amazon.

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